Wendy Nixon Stothert’s original idea in 2005 was to start a 16 voice auditioned vocal jazz ensemble. The initial information night was so well attended that we ended up with a 60 voice Unplugged choir in addition to a 16 voice feature group later to be known as Vocal Minority.
In the Fall of 2006, the Unplugged choir and Vocal Minority were joined by an auditioned ensemble of women singers named the Jazzy Jems (now the Jems). There have been three choirs ever since.
Many people have shared their love of singing with us over the years and several members have been with us since the beginning.
To date we have had over 430 different Unplugged singers, over 75 Vocal Minority singers and over 79 Jems singers, and counting!
To celebrate our 10th year anniversary in the Spring of 2014 about 45 Just in Time singers and their families made a trip to Cuba to perform and take part in several local music workshops.
Since The Fall of 2005 we have had over 30 terms of themed music ending in concerts well supported by our community, family and friends.
To date Just in Time Choirs have performed over 600 songs! More than 200 by Unplugged, over 200 by Vocal Minority, more than 150 by the Jems, and over 50 Finale songs sung by the collective voices of all three choirs!!!
We have done songs that start with every letter in the alphabet except X and Z!